Aviation part number A6403APC8 with 3120002876844 manufactured by Anderson Greenwood And Co is now in stock. The part description is Bearing Sleeve. Would you like a quick quote for this part?
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Part Number: A6403APC8 | Part Type: Bearing Sleeve | NSN: 3120-00-287-6844 (3120002876844) | NIIN : 002876844 |
Manufacturer: Anderson Greenwood And Co | |||
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ASAP Semiconductor owns and operates Unlimited Purchasing. We are an AS9120B, ISO 9001:2015, and FAA 0056B accredited company. Our large inventory consists of more than 2 billion electronics parts from more than 5000 leading and well-known manufacturers like Anderson Greenwood And Co. The huge variety of aviation parts that we provide include bushings, sub-assemblies, consumables, bearings, aircraft fasteners, and complete assemblies. Currently we have sold over 100 million parts to our clients. This aviation part A6403APC8 is suitable for use only in a type-certified aircraft.
We can also provide you same day, 24-hour shipping. We have strategic presence in key locations, United States that we ship the orders from. We also do shipping from our headquarters in California.
For any queries related to part A6403APC8, you can give us a call at our toll-free number, +1-714-705-4780. Alternatively, you can send us your Bill of Materials (BOM) via email at sales@unlimitedpurchasing.com.
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